Why is STEM Important?
The STEM disciplines are considered to be one of the core underpinnings of an advanced society. In many forums (including economic, governmental, and academic) the strength of the academic and applied science workforce is viewed as an indicator of a nation’s ability to sustain itself.
Maintaining a citizenry that is well versed in the STEM disciplines is a key portion of the educational agenda of all states 7 provinces across North America.

Introduction of key science concepts at the primary and secondary levels (even as early as junior kindergarten) is essential as science literacy is collective for any society whose individuals continue to learn, build, and grow over a lifetime. As individual Canadians enter the workforce, a college training program, or a university discipline an increasingly competitive landscape demands that our citizens rank as world leaders in research, knowledge, and the application of scientific principles to industrial, engineering, medical, technical, and other important fields.

Success for STEM Education in North America
Modern research and newly developed teaching models point to revised teaching strategies that make the understanding of concepts the focus of instruction rather than prior strategies that emphasized rote memorization and recitation. The effectiveness of this approach is backed by recent investigations into learning that includes models of “discovery learning”, “inquiry-based learning”, and “authentic assessment”. These ideas are now incorporated into each state & provincial science curricula in North America.

The goal of STEM education has shifted from merely producing scientists, researchers, teachers, and individuals skilled in the applied sciences to producing a broad scientifically literate society. Science literacy for all citizens is the goal. This is so because individuals in a modern democracy must be positioned to make informed decisions about science, health, technology, the economy, and political action. Teaching in this manner produces an additional positive outcome. It promotes and reinforces problem solving skills, a much sought-after result in education. Current trends in science education address these needs.
Our Product Offering
Our products are used to teach concepts and understanding in classrooms and labs. Resources include written materials, computer software, informational background, lesson plans, expected outcomes, assessment tools and more. Services include curriculum alignment consulting, product training, technical support and professional development workshops.

There are many paths to successful teaching and learning. It is not ADIA’s role to tell educators what is best for their programs. Instead we help educators to identify what they require to be successful and to provide what they need in the form of products, resources, and services. This includes consultative recommendations based on customer input. ADIA’s recommendations are offered in consideration of the specific needs that our customers identify.