Classroom Kit – Comparison of Mammalian Cell Types – For 6 Groups


Your students will be amazed at the differences they observe between various mammalian cell types and how these cells function. Cells are fixed on microscope slides and students stain the cells on the slide to view morphological characteristics of the cell types. These cells are very safe for classroom use.

Group Size:
For 6 lab groups

Time Required:
Complete in 35 minutes

Kit Includes:
Instructions, multispot slides (4 cell types each), cell fixing agent, eosin stain solution, Methylene Blue stain solution, mounting medium, glass slide cover slips, transfer pipets, & microcentrifuge tubes.

All You Need:
Microscopes (100X total magnification recommended), forceps, distilled water, gloves, paper towels or kimwipes, beakers (250 mL or larger recommended), & timers.

Room Temperature


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